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The links to selected websites shown below have been provided as sources of information that might assist you in a decision making process.  We have not verified, nor do we endorse the information on these sites and recommend that you verify any information from these sites before using it as the basis for a decision. 

  • Tax Forms
    Direct access to commonly used federal and California tax forms along with links to access all federal and California forms.
  • Tax Calendar
    Tax calendars for each month of 2012 showing due dates and form numbers for most federal tax forms.
  • Links to Selected Websites
    Selected links to financial and government websites providing a variety of news, financial, and tax related information.
  • Tax Organizer
    An individual income tax organizer in a PDF (fill-in) format. If you have Adobe Acrobat on your computer, you can save a partially completed organizer and access the saved file at a later time to complete it. If you are an existing client, do not use this organizer, call us instead and we will provide you with the proper interactive organizer for current tax clients.
  • Track Your Refund
    Check the status of your federal or California income tax refund.